Version Control

Version Control & Git

  • Version Control: is a way to keep track of your files at different points in time. Using it is like having a giant UNDO button for your project. It solves a problem that might look familiar if you’ve ever seen documents with names like Report_2014_1.doc, Report_2014_2.doc, Report_2014_3.doc, or budget-v7.xls to keep track of your different versions.

  • Fluency in at least one version control system is an essential skill for a developer, designer, and manager alike.

  • There are many systems out there like RCS, CVS, and Subversion, Perforce, Bazaar, and Mercurial. Here we use the most popular open source one: Git!

  • Git: was developed by Linux creator Linus Torvalds to host the Linux kernel. It is a command-line program that is designed in the Unix tradition. That is why you need to have knowledge of how to use the Unix-style commmand line.

Git Basics 01 & 02

Git basics 01 & 02 are introduction to local and online git system. We will also teach you how to submit your completed exercises through Github & CodiTech. Then we will test you with a simple git exercise git basics trial

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