Last part, let's make Express answer with a list of people.

// back/src/index.js
import app from './app'
import initializeDatabase from './db'

const start = async () => {
  const controller = await initializeDatabase()
  app.get('/', (req, res) => res.send("ok"));

  app.get('/contacts/list', async (req, res) => {
    const contacts_list = await controller.getContactsList()

  app.listen(8080, () => console.log('server listening on port 8080'))

We now have two routes in our express app. / leads to "ok", and /contacts/list gives us a list of contacts.

Run the app, and try it; navigate to http://localhost:8080/contacts/list, and verify you see a list of people

Great! Moving on to linkage with the front-end now. We're almost done with our setup

PART II - Step 7: Access the Back-End from the Front-End

Let's go back to our front end. We need to be able to access this data.

In a first instance, let's keep it simple. We're simply going to query the back-end, and log the answer

Move into front/src, open index.js, and write in it, anywhere:

// front/src/App.js

  .then( response => response.text() )
  .then( text => console.log("we got a response!!",text))


run the root npm start, to start the back and front. Go to http://localhost:3000, and check the console. You should see the contacts in your log. Ok great!

Let's use that in React now. Remove the lines above, we don't need them anymore

Last updated