Get to your submission folder under exercises/php-basics-01
You should create a PHP file for each step with the name of the step.
e.g : Step_1.php
COMMIT AFTER EACH STEP, call each commit by the name of the step
Learn general basic programming syntax as applied to PHP
opening / closing tags
strings concatenation
Integers & Floating numbers
simple maths
if, else
User defined functions
Step 1 : Opening and Closing tags
Outputting static text without using PHP
On the first line write "Hello world, Help me I am using PHP"
On the Second line open PHP tag
On the Third line close the PHP tag
Run the PHP file
Step 2 : Echo & Print
Outputting text using PHP
Copy & Past the content of the pervious step
Between the PHP Opening & Closing tags and on a new line output "I am getting errors but I can't see the errors".
. Using a different method, output "Search on how to enable PHP Errors";
Step 3 : Variables lvl 1
Creating variables in PHP, String & Number variables
Create a variable called
and assign your name to that variableCreate another Variable called
and assign your email to that variableOutput 'My name is "$name" and my email is "$email".'
Example: My name is Gaby and my email is
Create a variable called
and assign to it a numerical valueCreate a variable called
and assign to it another numerical value.Create a variable called
and assign to it the multiplication of the two variables$height
.Output the area value.
Step 4 : Strings Concatenation
PHP have 4 ways to concatenate strings, in this step we will be going over 3 of them.
Create a 3 variables,
and assign them there with respective values.Output the 3 variables using the 3 methods below, the output should be similar to this one
Hello, I'm Gaby, I'm a tech consultant please check my github link
.Using the double quotation
and the.
Using the double quotation
and without using the.
Without using the double quotation
(Optional) try to output the previous without using the
and without using the previous answer from any of the previous solutions
Step 5 : Data types - lvl 1
Variables can store data of different types, and different data types can do different things.
Create a
String $course_name
variable and assign to a course title that you like to learn.Create an
Integer $enrolled_students
variable and assign to it the number of enrolled students.Create a
Float $price
variable with the course price. A float variable is a decimal number ( 12.33, -1.123, 99.99)Create a
Boolean $on_discount
vaiable that will say if the course is on discountOutput the course information
Step 6 : PHP User defined Functions
In all programming and scripting language, a function is a block of statements that can be used repeatedly in a program. In PHP, the concept of the function is the same as in another language like 'C'. There are more than 1,000 in-built functions into the standard PHP distribution. Besides these, we can define functions as per our requirements. These are called 'User Defined Function'.
Create a PHP function
function should takes 2 parameters$height, $width
.The function should output "Area is 25" if
$height = 5
&$width = 5
.Call the function by passing two values
5 for height & 3 for width
Step 7 :PHP Control Statements - If / else
The if statement execute a single statement or a group of statements if a certain condition is met. It can not do anything if the condition is false. For this purpose else is used.
Create an
Integer birth_year
and assign it to any random year.Create an
Integer current_year
and assign the current year to it.Write an
if else
statement that check if the different between the two variables is greater than 18.If thr difference is greater than 18, output "You can drive" otherwise output "You still a kid, go and play GTA`
Step 8 : PHP Data types - Array
In PHP there is two kinds of arrays : indexed array and associative array. The only difference is that numeric values are used as 'keys' in indexed array start from zero (0) and in associative array, strings are used as 'keys'. PHP does not differentiate between indexed and associative arrays, therefore a PHP array may contain strings as well as integers as 'keys'
Step 8 - a : PHP Data types - Indexed Array
Create an Indexed Array of grocery with the following items: Eggs, Milk, Cheese, Water Pack, Tissues, Watermelon.
Output the first 3 items of the array and the last item using the following message,
Hello Sir, do you have Eggs, Milk, and Cheese? Also if you sell fruits can I find a Watermelon?
Step 8 - b : PHP Data types - Multidimensional Array
Create a Multidimensional Array with the following items: egss ( 'balade', 'mazere3' ), milk ('Fresh', 'Taanayel'), water-pack ( 'Tanoureen', 'Reem')
Output the following sentence, "Hey Sir, Please I need 1 pack of balade eggs and 3 Reem Water Pack.
Output the prvious syntax using the array previously declared.
Step 9 : PHP Debug - die() and var_dump()
Debugging in PHP
Create a variable
assign it to your name.Write
Run the programme
Add another variable under
To run a php file, on the terminal run
php <path-to-php-file>
php ./basic-01/step-1.php
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