Interactive Story : Part 1

You will design an interactive story.

Examples of interactive stories

You will design create such a story.

You are not asked to implement it.


  • learn to design a graph

  • learn to write a story

  • learn to distribute tasks

  • Competencies:

    • project management

    • git

    • html

    • css


  • There will be at least 5 branches

  • There will be at least two endings (one of them can be a game over)

  • There will be at least one variable that changes a later outcome (an item picked up, health points, time...)

  • There will be at least 2 illustrations in the whole game


  • fork this repo to your team's page

  • clone it on one of your laptops

  • Your team will produce:

    • the graph of the story (what leads where)

    • the texts

    • the images

    • an example, with html and css, of one page

    • a that explains all of that, and your intention

  • When you're done, push it back


Depending on the quality of the work you may obtain an additional points. You will be - subjectively - noted on:

  • quality of the graph (how clear, how pleasant to read)

  • quality of the story

  • quality of the writing

  • quality of the variables (how creative)

  • quality of the images (produced or sourced)

  • quality of the HTML & CSS code

  • quality of the final page (how it looks)

Last updated