Team Communication
Team Communication
Communication is hard, and things can break down easily. Which is why there's a system for that, like for everything.
You are going to:
Split in groups of two (randomly chosen, just pick the person to your left)
Take two pieces of paper
Construct 4 points, and write them down
Each group of 2 will talk for a limited time while the other 2 listen.
the LISTENING group will be in charge of:
monitoring time
stopping things if they get out of hands
Once you've written your points, you will give them to your partner so they can read them for 1 ~ 2 mn
Then, you will begin talking, and exchange with your partner until you've gone through all the points below
4 Points
First Point
You will identify something you could've done better; explain where you were wrong (not WHY, we don't care why. Just where it was wrong). Explain how you will do better next time. You have a maximum of 3 mn to do so.
Then, your partner does the same.
Second Point
You will explain something you think your partner could've done better.
Start with the facts (For example, you could say "I saw you taking my mug" rather than "You are a thief!")
Be constructive (Good criticism is followed by suggestions on how the other should change their behavior)
Avoid blame (don't say "Why didn’t you get that work done?", say "Why weren’t we able to get this work done?")
Begin with "I'm sorry for what I will say"
You will talk for 3 mn maximum, then your partner will have the opportunity to answer for 1 mn maximum. Then, you switch, again 3mn/1mn
Third Point
Ask an open ended question: Instead of questions that can be answered only with "yes" or "no", like "Do you like A more than B?", ask "why do you like A more than B?"
3 mn maximum to answer
Fourth Point
pick a conflict that has happened in the team in the past few days/week
explain it AS THE OTHER PERSON WOULD (i.e, play the other person, be them)
3 mn maximum, then switch
If everything goes correctly, that's 1 minute of reading, then (3+3)+(3+1+3+1)+(3+3)+(3+3) = 26mn per group of two
Take a 10mn break between the two sessions
Have one of the team that isn't speaking record minutes of meeting
Remember! Do not get personal, neither in accusing, neither in receiving blame. You are parts of a machine; the machine has to work properly. A flat wheel does not wonder if we hate it personally, it's just happy we fix it
Be aware that the person criticizing you doesn't (in normal cases) have an interest in hurting you. It's not fun. They're not trying to be mean.
If, while you talk, the other person gets defensive, stop, and ask "can you please clarify what you heard me say?"
While you are talked to, listen actively, look at the person, stand upright
Getting criticized is not easy, but if you don't learn to take it and be happy, you will stay where you are.
But being courageous is also having the strength to not accuse other people for our own mistakes. Nothing is more powerful than someone saying "I messed up, I will do better next time". Be always more willing to accuse yourself than others. Pointing fingers rarely helps anything.
Last updated
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