
Creating and customizing a personal Wordpress site without coding


  • Basic WordPress knowledge

  • A link, username, and a password for a WordPress site


  • Get acquainted with Wordpress

  • Competencies:

    • Managing a CMS

    • Using a CMS

    • Using plugins


  • After receiving the above go to your wordpress website, and login

WordPress Theme

  • Install a WordPress Theme. You can find some good themes here

  • Do additional customization and details about you

Pages and Menu

  • Create a new Page called About and a few details about you in it (hobbies, interests...)

  • Create a new empty page called Contact

  • Add links in the menu to the pages you just created

Blog Post

  • Create a new Post in your Blog that has a featured image, title, and text


  • Add a slideshow to your homepage

  • Add a contact form to your contact page

Once done, Add a card to your personal Trello board called No Coding Website Publishing and add your website link as a description.

Last updated